Sunday, October 3, 2010

Welcome and Ountae's Breakfast

Welcome to the all new 
Brentwood School Middle Division Breakfast Blog!

As you know, breakfast is considered by many to be the most important meal of the day. When you wake in the morning, your brain and your body are craving good sources of food to help you do your best learning. A serious athlete pays very close attention to what he or she eats so that their body systems can maximize their performance. Well, a serious learner should do the same thing so that their brain can maximize learning. This starts with breakfast after a long night of fasting. Literally, when you eat in the morning you are breaking the fast that you engaged in while you slept.

So, what is the purpose of this new Breakfast Blog? Several fold:
1. To share and critique our breakfasts.
2. To learn what constitutes a healthy breakfast.
3. To explore and determine what is the best breakfast for you.

As you examine breakfasts on this blog, look for at least 3 different kinds of foods; a source of protein, a source of fiber and source of calcium.  These foods keep you feeling full for longer. A little fat is also good, but not too much. A breakfast made of sugary cereals is not a great choice because they are digested quickly and leave you hungry much sooner. Basically, you want something that "sticks to your ribs," like oatmeal.

So our first entry is OuntaZ's breakfast. Keep in mind that this was a weekend breakfast and not a weekday breakfast.

Share you comments below. Be appropriate, polite and honest. 
And remember...
You are what you eat.  

Please feel free to send me a photo of your weekday breakfast for the BWS Breakfast Blog.

 Ountae's Breakfast